Intelligenter trainieren, besser bewegen mit neurozentrischem Training
Transform your training and achieve peak performance with Neurocentric Training! This innovative approach goes beyond traditional methods and focuses on optimizing your nervous system for efficient, pain-free movements. Discover how we assess your individual needs, target areas of weakness, and create a personalized program to maximize strength, flexibility, and results. Experience the difference – train smarter, move better, and reach your fitness goals faster!
Trainieren Sie Ihr Nervensystem, verändern Sie Ihre Bewegung
Move with precision and power. Forget limitations – neurocentric training resets your brain-body connection for peak performance. We identify weak points in your nervous system’s communication and then use targeted exercises to improve sensory input, coordination and motor performance. Whether you’re a weekend athlete or a seasoned professional, you can take your training to new levels. Feel the difference – move with confidence, reduce pain and reach your full potential.
Experience faster progress towards your fitness goals. By fine-tuning your nervous system, you move with greater efficiency and precision.
Eliminate pain caused by movement disorders. Neurocentric training addresses the cause of the symptoms and promotes pain-free mobility.
Take your athletic skills to the next level. By optimizing your nervous system, you will achieve peak performance and reach your full potential.
Measures physiological processes such as heart rate, skin temperature and muscle activity.
Die Prioritäten für unser Nervensystem lauten wie folgt:
- Sicherheit und Überleben in der Zukunft.
- Wirksame Anträge
Das Überleben des nächsten Augenblicks ist das Hauptanliegen unseres Gehirns. Die Erzielung einer optimalen Leistung hängt von der vollständigen Gewährleistung der Sicherheit ab. Der Input wird über die Sensoren unseres Körpers an das zentrale Nervensystem gesendet, wo er zusammen mit unseren Erfahrungen verarbeitet wird, von denen die meisten unbewusst sind. Deshalb fragt sich unser Gehirn ständig: „Wie sicher ist das, was ich hier tue?“
A planned activity is completed to the fullest extent possible if it is safe (e.g. a deep squat). The body responds by taking protective action if it is thought to be dangerous. If you haven’t performed a deep squat since you were a child, for example
Your body is a finely tuned machine, and the nervous system is its control center. It constantly receives information about vision (exteroception), balance (proprioception), and internal sensations (interoception). This sensory data is like your body’s language, telling your brain what’s happening around you and inside you. The clearer this communication is, the smoother and more efficient your movements will be. Improve this “body language” through neurocentric training and unlock your full potential for pain-free mobility and peak performance.
Don’t let pain hold you back. Neurocentric training begins with neuro-rehabilitation, a targeted approach to controlling pain and preventing future injuries. By retraining your nervous system through exercises such as barefoot running (improves balance), breathing techniques (raises body awareness), and specific visual exercises, we can create a pain-free foundation for peak performance and daily mobility.
Der Vorteil des neurozentrischen Trainings
- Expertise: training science, neurophysiology and neurotherapy, as well as scientifically based additional training
- Additional Choices: A comprehensive training approach that covers all body systems and functions is called neurocentric training.
- Experience: Over the course of six years, we have worked with countless clients, including professional and amateur athletes.
- Location: The ultra-modern training facility in Zurich-Oerlikon offers the ideal setting for excellent training.
- Individual: Your training program will be individually tailored to you, depending on the advantages and disadvantages of your neurological system.
- Training plans: If you are unable to train with us in person, you will receive an individual training program.
- Free advice: You can receive comprehensive, non-binding advice during a free appointment.
Your eyes are more than just windows to the world! Neurocentric training involves visual training to unlock hidden potential in your brain. By training your visual processing, you can achieve:
Schärferes Situationsbewusstsein: Erkennen Sie das Spielgeschehen schneller, wie der Handballprofi Jost Brücker (im Video erwähnt). Dies ermöglicht eine schnellere Entscheidungsfindung und bessere Reaktionen auf dem Spielfeld.
Verbesserte Bewegungspräzision: Die verfeinerten visuellen Informationen führen zu präziseren Bewegungen. Führen Sie komplexe Fähigkeiten mit grösserer Genauigkeit und Kontrolle aus.
Verbessern Sie Ihre Reaktionszeit: Reagieren Sie blitzschnell auf wechselnde Situationen. Dies kann Ihnen den Vorteil verschaffen, den Sie brauchen, um bei jeder sportlichen Betätigung zu brillieren.
Experience the benefits of neurocentric training and see the difference for yourself!
Skillatics Wrap
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